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Rochelle at Friday Fictioneers offers her community of writers a weekly opportunity to write a 100 word story in response to a photographic prompt.  This week, the photo prompt is provide by Rochelle herself!

In a world without mirrors I…

Search for myself in the kitchen, piecing together fragments to make a Picasso-esque portrait of youth:

nose distorted by the curve of the faucet
irises lost in the dark window of the microwave
hands segmented by the patterns in the crystal.

Seek out my silhouette in magazines, only to find that ‘Kardashian’ does not quite fit.

Turn to him, hoping that the baritone of his voice will help sketch the pieces of me that are missing.


In a world without mirrors I must find another way to see, another way to be… me.


  1. Dear Mrs. W.

    I love this search for self. Nicely done.



  2. Yep. It's very, very hard to get a clear view of oneself.

  3. Hi miss,
    I really like it! Especially the imagery of a fragmented Picasso-esque portrait.

  4. Self search, does it ever end ? Nice take

  5. I really like this - the language is lovely. Excellent.


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